Tips to help you enjoy it all over again! Food and Cooking: Foods: Reheat leftover pizza to bring out flavor
Tips to help you enjoy it all over again! Food and Cooking: Foods: Reheat leftover pizza to bring out flavorReheat leftover pizza to bring out flavor
Nancy Peterson
Some like it hot, some not. While many people say they prefer leftover pizza cold -- and for breakfast, at that -- reheating it can revive just-baked flavor.
Karen Blakeslee, Kansas State University Research and Extension Rapid Response coordinator, offers these reheating tips:
To reheat pizza in a microwave oven, place the pizza on a microwave-safe plate or tray; cover it loosely with plastic food wrap, vent at one edge. Cooking time will vary with thickness of crust; size of slice; and topping.
Reheating pizza in the oven usually takes longer, but crust is less likely to toughen, she says. Place leftover pizza on an oven-proof baking sheet or pan; cover with aluminum foil and place in a preheated, 350-degree F oven. Reheating time will vary with thickness of crust, size of slice and filling.
Use a food thermometer to check safe-to-eat temperature -- leftovers should be reheated to 165 degrees F. Pizza should not be reheated in the take-out or carry home box. Some are not oven-proof, Blakeslee says.
Ficus pumila - Creeping Fig
Ficus pumila - Creeping FigDescription:
A vigorous, climbing fig that attaches itself to surfaces by means of aerial roots. It has crinkly, heart-shaped juvenile leaves on a tracery of fine stems which adhere closely to its support. When the plant matures it starts to produce large, leathery adult foliage on horizontal, woody branches. Mature plants also produce yellowish-green, inedible figs.
Best climate:
All areas of Australia except for Hobart, the mountains and inland zones (creeping fig is an environmental weed in NSW).
Good points:
* attractive juvenile foliage
* fast growing
* shade tolerant
* tough
* low maintenance
* quick cover for ugly, masonry walls
* good ground cover for large areas
* good for softening industrial landscapes
* useful for creating quick 'topiary'
* very aggressive grower once established
* very high maintenance if grown on buildings - will dislodge roof tiles, damage wooden structures and attempt to cover everything in a curtain of green
Creeping fig is very hardy and drought tolerant once established. Prune to control rampant growth and to remove horizontal branches which stand out from the support and produce unattractive adult foliage.
Getting started:
Creeping fig is readily available at nurseries, but it is very easy to propagate by cuttings or layers (it forms roots wherever a branch touches the ground).