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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
  Beggars May Need Licenses in Minneapolis
Beggars May Need Licenses in Minneapolis - Yahoo! News
By GREGG AAMOT, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 33 minutes ago

MINNEAPOLIS - The police chief wants to license panhandlers, saying it would make it easier for officers to manage aggressive begging in Minnesota's largest city.

Under the plan, panhandlers would have to register each year at a government center and have their picture taken. Anyone failing to wear an ID badge would be jailed for 30 days, and possibly fined.

Minneapolis already bans panhandling in front of cash machines, bus stops and restrooms.

McManus said he's talked to the City Council about the idea. If a law passed, the city would join a handful of others that license beggars, such as Cincinnati, Dallas and Greensboro, N.C.

Cincinnati's licensing ordinance is being challenged by civil liberties groups that claim begging is protected speech.
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