a generic blog
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I'm told you come here to sleep.
Not to sleep.
To pass the night then.
I'm not alone.
The old boy and I exchange memories of life.
It's like having a roommate, or should I say, "tomb-mate"?
If he were in your place, would I find Caesar here?
Hidden away, wrapped in moonlight and endless self-pity?
Self-pity! You repeat yourself! Find new reproaches!
Until now it has just been a part of your being drunk.
Singing sad songs for Antony.
Your time would be better spent negotiating with Octavian.
Why not give over my head? It's no great loss to me.
Dying the second time is painless and possibly an advantage to you.
The basis of a great new alliance with Rome.
I do not want a great new alliance with Rome.
Then what do you want?
I have come for Marc Antony.
What is left of his army, Rufio, my son and I...
...all of Egypt are waiting for him.
There is little time.
Marc Antony?
There is no one here by that name...
Time for what?
For Marc Antony to appear in shiny armor...
...swords flashing in both hands?
Agrippa. Octavian.
Stand back! Rejoice! Marc Antony will save the day!
Antony, you say?
He died at Actium...
...running away.
He tried to run on the water, but you weren't there to hold his hand!
Rufio, my legions, waiting.
For what?
To ask me what they carry in their eyes...
...in their hearts, in their sleep, as I have.
Why are you not dead?
Why do you live? How can you live?
Why do you not lie in the deepest hole of the sea...
...bloodless and bloated and at peace with honorable death?
You begged forgiveness from me for running away.
You wept and gave reason. A mother to her child, a queen to her country.
Where and how can I weep and beg? From whom?
The thousands and thousands who can no longer hear me?
Shall I give my reason?
Shall I say simply, I loved?
When I saw you go, I saw nothing.
Felt, heard, thought nothing except your going.
Not the dying and dead, not Rome, not Egypt...
...not victory or defeat, honor or disgrace...
...only that my love was going and I must be with her.
That my love, my master, called.
And I followed.
And that only then...
...I looked back...
...and I saw.
How right you were.
"Have as your master anyone, anything...
...but never love."
How wrong.
How wrong I was.
Antony, the love you followed is here.
To be had upon payment of an empire.
Without you, Antony...
...this is not a world I want to live in...
...much less conquer.
Because for me...
...there would be no love anywhere.
Do you want me to die with you? I will.
Or do you want me to live with you?
Whatever you choose.
Are we too late, do you think, if we choose to live?
Better too late...
...than never.
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