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Thursday, December 08, 2005
  Silver Star Mountain Bigfoot!
Silver Star Mountain

A far-off photograph of what appears to be an upright animal was taken on Washington's Silver Star Mountain in Gifford Pinchot National Forest on November 17. According to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, the figure could be a sasquatch. From BFRO:

Comparative images, using a human model at the same spot, will help demonstrate the unusual aspects of this figure.

The size might be very big, and possibly off the chart for a human.

The camera positions will be easy to re-establish, along with the horizontal and vertical position on the ridge. The exact distance will be hard to determine and re-create with accuracy.

A person will have to be directed via radio to stand in the correct horizontal and vertical line, and then step back until his/her waistline is obscured by the foreground. With those angles re-created, there will be a rough comparison of body dimensions.

The figure may dwarf the human model to such a degree that it will speak for itself.
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